It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted anything so I'm glad to be writing again.
In the last couple of weeks my right shoulder has been bothering me. Nothing terrible but I was keeping an eye on it. As time was passing by I was having totally hardcore and strong workouts. I seemed to be having personal bests with everything. The problem is I think I had too many personal bests because my shoulder really started to bother me. I was at my Chiropractor for my regular tune up, he said to be careful with it. He cracked my back but put more effort into relaxing my shoulder. It was after that visit that I decided that I need to take action. My first step was to make a Dr. appointment to really get it checked out. I was able to get an appointment for Oct 29th. I also knew that I had to take things into my own hands. I kept going to the gym but I worked out smarter to guard the shoulder. I also started to do some major shoulder stretches, I applied ice on a daily basis and I started to do some basic physical therapy movements for the shoulder. As the week went on my shoulder was starting to feel much better. I was still stoked for my Doctor's appointment, I was feeling that the appointment would be the perfect icing on the cake. Unfortunately I was unable to go to the Dr. on Friday. Ya see, Slomin's came to repair the house alarm but when they did that they also took out my DSL internet connection so I had to wait around for them ALL DAY to repair what they screwed up so I ended up missing the appointment. I did plan on doing a light shoulder workout that day but it got late and I decided to skip it. Looking back it was probably a good thing. By Friday night my shoulder was feeling pretty good. I did go to the gym for a chest workout out and my shoulder did very well. When we got home I was up on the ladder cutting down tree branches overhead, this caused me some discomfort in the shoulder but overall it was nothing. I'm very pleased with the way my shoulder has progressed in the last week but I also know that I need to be very careful with shoulder issues so I have decided to to skip my workouts on Tuesday (heavy chest and back), Thursday (bi and tri) and Friday (Shoulders, traps and forearms). Monday I am off and Wednesday is abs so I will still do that work out. My goal is to return to the gym on Saturday. Since I got back from Olympia all the workouts have been solid so I don't feel too bad taking some time off. Rest is good for healing and it's also important component to building muscle. The great thing about all this is that through this injury I have never lost any range of motion. I'm pretty sure that I don't have any tears but I know for sure that I have inflammation and maybe some Bursitis (Inflammation of the bursa sack in the shoulder). So that's the story of my shoulder, I hope to see you at the gym on November 6th!
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