Normally I write about body building and when I think about it this post won't be much different but there will be a little bit of a twist.
What do Robb Wolf and Iris Kyle have in common? They both rock!
First I would like to tip my hat to Robb Wolf. barb (my wife) has discovered Mr. Wolf and he's made a huge change in our lives. barb originally found Robb Wolf through some cross fit training sites. Over time Robb's name and career took off and as that happened she discovered the Robb Wolf pod casts and while listening to the pod casts she learned about a Robb Wolf book. I really like what Robb Wolf says and and how he uses his nutritional ideas. I love that he talks about nutrition but he also talks about working out. He's into cross fit, he has done power lifting and simply put you can say he's an athlete. Robb even gives a lot of solid advice on supplements and working out. Most important his nutritional theory (which I'm not going to go into I suggest you pick up his book) has really changed barb's life. As barb posts in her blog (girlsraiseirontoo) she has autoimmune issues. Robb Wolf's nutritional theory has changed barb's health for the better. She has a greater understanding of how foods specifically Gluten has a negative impact on her. Rome wasn't built in a day but with Robb's assistance a new barb empire is being built. This is evident with her everyday health as well as her gains at the gym. Thank you Robb, we owe you one.
The next person I need to tip my hat too is Iris Kyle. Who's Iris? Iris is the seven time Ms. Olympia champion.
I was getting to a point where I was starting to hit some plateaus at the gym. My lifts were strong but I wasn't going over the top. Within a couple of weeks I started to get my edge back but I still feel I need to ad more to my biceps, specifically the peaks of my biceps. I had an idea of what I wanted to do but I felt that I should seek some professional advice. While at was Olympia Iris Kyle said during a press conference that she will always try to make herself available to her fans to help them/us out. So I got up my courage and wrote her an email over the Thanksgiving weekend. I was shocked when only seven days later she replied. Iris didn't just reply to my email, she was kind and wrote back to me giving me the advice that I was looking for as well as inspiration that we can all use. Let's be honest, how many NFL players or MLB players are going to make themselves available to their fans and teach them tricks of their trade............FOR FREE!. Body builders are known for this and Iris has proved to be a class act. She's a seven time Ms. Olympia champ and she could very possibly be an eight time champ come September 2011 and she took some time for a fan. That rocks. Thank you Iris. I owe you one!
I adore IRIS, she is truly a class act!