Alright, everyone knows that there is dedication in bodybuilding. The dedication is there regardless if you are trying to be an IFBB pro or you are just a regular dude like me trying to push himself to another level.
It seems that everyone knows about the dedication at the gym. You try your best to to always hit the gym hard and when you reach a goal then you need to work on surpassing that goal. It's a wonderful never ending cycle but the more you get into this the more it takes over different parts of your life. I'm not complaining, I'm just talking. Take Sunday for example, We could be out bouncing around town but no. We get up hit the gym and then come back home to cook. Cooking seems to take all day on Sunday. First I need to cook all my chicken tenderloins for the week. These chicken tenderloins are additional protein in the course of my day. I will eat two or three of these tenderloins at 2:00 every day. Then after the chicken is cooked then I start to make the London Broil. This week I cooked up two because barb was going to do London Broil this week too. Every day for lunch I have London Broil and brown rice. Lunch is at 11:00AM. On this particular day I also cooked a whole chicken for barb. This is so she can alternate with the London Broil. Then when all that's over I'll cook some ribs for dinner. Before we settle in for the evening barb will also cook brown rice. This of course is the brown rice that goes with my London Broil. Then there will be the Ricotta cheese or cottage cheese prep for the week. Normally I do Ricotta cheese. Barb will mix it up good and then either turn it into a lime flavor, lemon flavor orange flavor, or vanilla Nutmeg flavor. This is so I can have my 9:30 meal before I go to bed. I will have about four or five teaspoons of that. This will help my body from going into a catabolic state.
For me this is all part of the dedication. Knowing that I'm going through these food steps (by the way I didn't even talk about the doling out of vitamins and supplements nightly or the protein shakes that are
made the day before) brings this all together. Everyday I'm doing something for me, each day I'm making an effort to obtain my goals. Each time we work on this food prep is another way of mentally prepping to hit the gym damn hard.
It's a lot of work and the rewards are more internal than external. I'm proud of myself and I'm proud of the changes that are happening to my body. On a small hard gainer such as myself the changes are not always not always dramatic. But over time people notice and those words of encouragement mean the world.
Dedication is where it's at, the food prep and the lifting helps create the proper attitude to get the job done. In the words of the great Henry Rollins, “Don't do anything by half”. In this case, if you are going to do physical fitness and or bodybuilding then go all out do do it by half!
I look forward to lifting again on Tuesday!
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