Roughly 21 days ago I posted that I was going to try a different supplement. The supplement was Halodrol MT. Well I finished my cycle and here's what I think of it.
To be honest I was pretty pleased. No I didn't gain ten pounds of muscle like some of the exaggerated reviews and advertisements say and I didn't have strength gains through the roof but looking at this product from a realistic spoint of view I can say it was pretty cool. There's no doubt that I had some gains in strength at the gym and although my muscles didn't grow to Mr. Olympia status I can say that the Halodrol MT rounded the muscles a bit and gave me a slightly thicker look and since it's a test booster there were some changes in my libido. The problem was that as I was no more than half way through this product Gaspari Nutrition decided to discontinue it. This is the third generation of the product and now they are coming out with a new formula. Gaspari is known for always changeing things up. Technically I'm supposed to do a 42 day cycle but I'm going to stick with a 21 day cycle because I don't want to get in with a product that wont be on the shelf in a month. Normally after my cycle I would take Gaspari Novadex but that got discontinued too. So what's a guy to do? (See next paragraph for the answer.)
I have decided to change brands and take a product by Universal Nutrition called Animal Test. Universal has been around a long time and this T booster has been called a high quality product by almost everyone. It's actually a T booster and estrogen suppressor all in one. The product is all natural and totally legal.
So today I will order up a can of the stuff. (Universal's gimmick is pills in a can) and I will start it after I get back from Mr. Olympia. So for now by body can cycle off the Haldrol and and I can patiently await Universal Nutrition's Animal Test.
Reviews to come in late October after my first cycle.
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